As a consulting firm, wastewater facility planning has been a primary element of our civil department. Preliminary Engineering Reports and Facility Plans provide an in‐depth study which provides recommended treatment options for the client. The main objective of a Preliminary Engineering Report or Facility Plan is to provide recommendations to the client for regulatory compliance; however, we also strive to provide planning for facilities that will be “operator friendly”, both in the ease of operability and maintenance and in overall efficiency and operating costs, saving energy and costs whenever and wherever possible. This is critical in today’s economic market and ecological environment.
Our wastewater engineers keep up to date on the new emerging technologies introduced to meet new and proposed standards and regulations; however, we do not abandon the use of traditional systems that have proven themselves throughout their long period of service if their use is applicable and deemed suitable.
Pressurized Sanitary Systems
Sanitary Sewer Collection System (Force Main)
Warrenton, Missouri
MECO Engineering designed, permitted and provided construction management for the wastewater treatment facility, sewer collection system, Water Street and Fairlane Acres lift stations and interceptors. MECO Engineering also designed and permitted the lift station and force main for the Field of Dreams Subdivision.
Sanitary Sewer Collection System (Force Main)
Village of St. Thomas, Missouri
This project resulted in the construction of a new centralized sanitary sewer collection system and wastewater treatment facility for this previously unsewered community of 287 persons. A study evaluated alternate solutions for wastewater treatment and provided recommendations for the appropriate and most economical method of treatment. Activities required for project completion included survey, preparation of easement documents, final design, production of plans, specifications, bid documents, contract documents, permitting, preparation of construction plans, bidding, project management, construction management, and construction observation services. Construction activities included the installation of 11,210 LF of force main; 64 grinder pumps, and the construction of an activated Sludge Extended Aeration Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Plant wastewater treatment plant with ultra-violet disinfection unit for treatment of the effluent prior to discharge. Project costs of $1.4-million were financed.
Cuivre River State Park, Force Main and Sewer Network
Lincoln County, Missouri
Design, Project Coordination and Construction Management for new force main, sewer network for Cuivre River State Park, Troy, Missouri. Services included the design of new force main from the current lagoon at the campground, meet another force main from the Camp Sherwood Forest lagoon and run-off property to the Lincoln County Sewer District. After the force mains are constructed, the two lagoons will be drained and closed. The Schematic design study stated options to run water service to Camp Sherwood Forest.
Sanitary Sewer Collection System (Force Main) PWSD #1 of Lincoln County
Winfield, Missouri
This project included two components, the construction of a new 1.5 MGD Bioreactor Membrane (MBR) Wastewater Treatment Plant to replace an existing lagoon unable to meet effluent discharge compliance limits of the State Operating Permit and Phase II Sanitary Sewer Collection System consisting of the installation of 35,000 LF of 6″–12″ force main necessary to connect new services to the system and to connect the existing collection system to the new MBR treatment plant. The completed project provides a centralized sanitary sewer collection system and wastewater treatment facility to over 1,400 customers within this district.
Sanitary Sewer Collection
New Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Facility
Portage Des Sioux, Missouri
The project consisted of the construction of a $1,500,000 complete concrete superstructure mechanical wastewater treatment plant, the demolition of an existing steel wastewater treatment plant, rehabilitation of an existing lift station, removal and replacement of an existing 48″ RCP storm sewer, CIPP lining of sanitary sewer, access road improvements and various other necessary appurtenances.
Facility Plan for Proposed Inflow & Infiltration Remediation
Cuba, Missouri
This project consisted of the preparation of a facility plan to investigate alternatives to remove inflow and infiltration (I & I) from the city of Cuba’s wastewater collection system. The city’s Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) has a design average flow of 1.55 Million Gallons per Day (MGD). The average flow has been slowly increasing to approximately 1.33 MGD. The normal dry weather flow is approximately 0.85 to 1.0 MGD, but during several rainfall events the flow has been as high as 6.8 MGD. Since the average daily flow has been increasing and the maximum flow reaches a peaking factor of around 6.8 or more, the city determined that the I & I within the system should be addressed and hired MECO Engineering Company, Inc. to investigate alternatives to remove the I & I. The city has 15,300 linear feet (LF) of 18-inch Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP), 2,200 LF of 12-inch VCP, 1,800 LF of 10-inch VCP, and 75,950 LF of 8-inch VCP. In addition, there is 2,000 LF of 18-inch Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe, 5,500 LF of 15-inch PVC pipe, and 50,700 LF of 8-inch PVC pipe. There are also 573 manholes within the system, many of which are constructed of bricks. The investigation focused on the portions of the system that consist of VCP. Several areas throughout the system were cleaned and videoed to get a representative sample of the entire system in order to estimate the needs of the collection system. In addition, flow meters were set in various manholes around town to determine how the collection system responded during normal flow events and then in rainfall events. The selected alternative is to replace the east interceptor to the WWTF, including manholes, with PVC pipe and pre-cast manholes, increasing the size from 18-inches to 24-inches, lining the remaining portions of the system with Cured-in-Place Pipe or replacing with PVC Pipe, where necessary, and either lining or replacing the manholes. It is estimated that approximately 85% of the VCP can be lined, but the remaining 15% of the lines will need to be replaced due to structural reasons or misalignment. The estimated total project cost is $11,154,305. Possible funding options include loans and grants from the USDA-Rural Development or Department of Natural Resources’ State Revolving Fund, with either combined with a Community Development Block Grant.